Real Property Management Fairmate

Monterey Park Tenants & Fireworks: Safety and Regulations

When most of us come to think about sizzling, hot summer nights, our flashbacks generally include lighting sparklers and setting off colorful fireworks. Fireworks can be an important attribute of summertime fun, nonetheless, for owners of single-family rental homes in Monterey Park, they can likewise be a dangerous risk. Even if you carry out all the necessary precautions, and even though you’re solely lighting up small fireworks, everything can go really bad. Any given time you merge fire and explosives, there is a real danger of not just personal injury but property damage too.

As pointed out by the National Fire Prevention Association, fireworks caused 11,000 injuries and 4 deaths in 2016. Not just personal injury, the NFPA details that fireworks start an average of 18,500 fires each year. 1,300 of those are structural fires and 300 are vehicle fires. It’s simple to conceive how that occurs: if you’ve never encountered a firework randomly whooshing off to the bottom of an idle car and sustained a moment of sheer terror, you’re one of the more fortunate individuals. Overall, the NFPA estimates that fireworks cause $43 million in property damage each year.

As a property owner, it is right for you to be distressed about your Monterey Park tenants lighting fireworks on or near your rental homes. Even supposing we can truly understand why they might look forward to it, the statistics alone are a strong enough reason to have a chat with your tenants about not using any form of fireworks at their rental property. One sure way to make them abide by your wish could surely be to offer them information on firework safety and the risks involved.

But if that obviously doesn’t work well, you need a property management company who understands the risks of fireworks and can help your tenants understand the danger involved. At Real Property Management Fairmate, we have the best interests of your tenants and your rental property in mind. We can address all queries or apprehensions your tenants could possibly have about firework handling and deal with some of the same issues that may come on. With reference to the health and safety of your real estate investment and your tenants, we can provide for you the kind of attention and capability you are in need of. Please contact us online or call us at 626-691-9749 for more information.